İsrail hükümeti şiddete şiddetle karşılık verme kararı aldı. Kan davası devam ediyor. Hem Gazze'nin hem de İsrail halkının iyiliği için başka bir yol bulunmalı.
Ben, İsrail'in istihbarat zafiyeti ve Hamas ile ilgili düşüncelerimi birinci yazıda belirtmiştim.
Ancak, iş o kadar çığrından çıktı ki, gerekçe ne olursa olsun, bu kadar insanın çaresizlik içinde yerlerinden koparılıp güneye doğru sürülmesi, binlerce çocuk, kadın ve sivilin vahşice katledilmesi ve buna karşın batılı hükümetlerin sessizliği, hatta sessizce de olsa İsraili desteklemesi, inanılır gibi değil.
Batıda çıkan karşı seslere, protestolara karşın hükümetler hâlâ İsrail'i desteklemeye ve İsrail karşıtı söylemleri cezalandırmaya devam ediyor. Bunun altında yatan temel etken de Hamas'ı İşid gibi görmeleri ve bunda haklılık payının olması.
Thank you for your kind words and insightful comments. In engineering vernacular, I believe this can be referred to as an overconstrained problem. The constraints include people's prejudices, memories of past hostilities, religious narratives, personal ambitions, greed of national and international players and the list goes on. Unless we can relax some of these constraints the peace will remain to be elusive. I am coming to believe that one of the ways of relaxing these constraints is to get more people interested and involved in the discourse, especially people with no baggage and no prior bias. Thanks again.
In the article, Despicable Acts Part-Two, the author offers a nuanced and balanced analysis of the existential problem facing both Israelis and Palestinians. He rightfully underscores that the existence of Hamas is an impediment rather than a solution to the Palestinian issue. Jihad and the destruction of Israel, as Hamas’s Charter proposes, is nonstarter, so is also a nonstarter to hold on to Palestinian territories by illegal settlers and the Israeli government. Only the existence of viable Palestinian State could bring relative peace to the region. As regarding Hamas motives for conducting their terrorist attack, the author offers a plausible and convincing explanation. Hamas and their acolytes tried to sabotage any possible rapprochement among Arab states, especially between Saudi Arabia and Israel. Regrettably, for most Arab and non-Arab states the Palestinian issue is just a pretext for benefitting themselves rather than to help find a reasonable and fair compromise to fulfill the needs of Palestinian people. In social media, we need more of this in-depth analysis of serious issues affecting the international community, as explained by the author on his blog.
Ben, İsrail'in istihbarat zafiyeti ve Hamas ile ilgili düşüncelerimi birinci yazıda belirtmiştim.
Ancak, iş o kadar çığrından çıktı ki, gerekçe ne olursa olsun, bu kadar insanın çaresizlik içinde yerlerinden koparılıp güneye doğru sürülmesi, binlerce çocuk, kadın ve sivilin vahşice katledilmesi ve buna karşın batılı hükümetlerin sessizliği, hatta sessizce de olsa İsraili desteklemesi, inanılır gibi değil.
Batıda çıkan karşı seslere, protestolara karşın hükümetler hâlâ İsrail'i desteklemeye ve İsrail karşıtı söylemleri cezalandırmaya devam ediyor. Bunun altında yatan temel etken de Hamas'ı İşid gibi görmeleri ve bunda haklılık payının olması.
Thank you for your kind words and insightful comments. In engineering vernacular, I believe this can be referred to as an overconstrained problem. The constraints include people's prejudices, memories of past hostilities, religious narratives, personal ambitions, greed of national and international players and the list goes on. Unless we can relax some of these constraints the peace will remain to be elusive. I am coming to believe that one of the ways of relaxing these constraints is to get more people interested and involved in the discourse, especially people with no baggage and no prior bias. Thanks again.
In the article, Despicable Acts Part-Two, the author offers a nuanced and balanced analysis of the existential problem facing both Israelis and Palestinians. He rightfully underscores that the existence of Hamas is an impediment rather than a solution to the Palestinian issue. Jihad and the destruction of Israel, as Hamas’s Charter proposes, is nonstarter, so is also a nonstarter to hold on to Palestinian territories by illegal settlers and the Israeli government. Only the existence of viable Palestinian State could bring relative peace to the region. As regarding Hamas motives for conducting their terrorist attack, the author offers a plausible and convincing explanation. Hamas and their acolytes tried to sabotage any possible rapprochement among Arab states, especially between Saudi Arabia and Israel. Regrettably, for most Arab and non-Arab states the Palestinian issue is just a pretext for benefitting themselves rather than to help find a reasonable and fair compromise to fulfill the needs of Palestinian people. In social media, we need more of this in-depth analysis of serious issues affecting the international community, as explained by the author on his blog.
Vicente Medina
Professor of Philosophy
Department of Philosophy
Seton Hall University